Stopping by Four Eyes Wide Open

“From North to South

It doesn’t matter which part of town you’re in 🙂 I love eating period so I personally picked out the best hangout spots right around the corner!

South: Tavern Asia

Weekend gimiks don’t always have to involve insane amounts of oily sisig and crispy pata. Do your taste buds a favor and head to resto-bar Tavern Asia on your next night out.

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Don’t Wreck it Ralph!

mario mushroom

One of the seasons evident in the country other than the commonly celebrated Christmas season and the season of lent, happens during summer: Elections. However, rarely all individuals rejoice and celebrate during this time.

You would definitely know that its fast approaching when you’re dried up from being stuck  in long hours of traffic caused by the unnecessary abrupt reconstruction of main roads.

Now when you have to suffer another day with self-proclaiming deeds and reconstructions sprouting like political mushrooms, its time consider who you’d be voting for the next term.

Someone who knows what to fix might deserve a shade on the ballot.

When “Interesting” Pops

Capsaicin is the active component of chili peppers, probably the one responsible for why we experience pinching vex everytime we sort of intentionally or accidentally “eat” chili peppers.

“The story of chili is not all pain and tears. Scientists have discovered that a raw pepper has more vitamin C than an orange”

— Says Reader’s Digest on Some Like it HOT & some like it HOTTER.

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Coco Amigos!

Coco Amigos is the home of great Mexican Style dishes. They serve a wide variety of selections to choose from that would get you lost in the affordable price range. Plus, the amount of serving is just enough for a man’s meal. Spicy as I like it.

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Have A Break

There are still lots of places to show yet so little time! By March 15, 2012, this blog will be inactive for a month and will resume on April. But before that let me give you these as a break for now.

Once more, Budbod Kabog — a Dumaguete delicacy.

Served in Bethel Breakfast.

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